Graphic Illusions
Viewed best at 800 x 600 in MSIE4 or Netscape4 or higher
I have created these graphics to help web page builders in designing/building their own web sites.
Please abide by the following terms before using them.
If you decide to use any of my graphics, whether it's a single one or a complete set.... you must use one of my "Graphic Illusions" logos (located on my "Logos" page or on the page(s) with the graphics) and link it to my website at the following URL: You must use one on each and every page you use one of my graphics on. This is MANDATORY.
When you use my graphics, you must save them to your own computer and/or server. DO NOT link directly to them here as they could be deleted or moved.
My Graphic Sets are in ZIP files to make downloading easier for you (Note: You cannot right click to save them). To save them, click on the link on the page with the graphics to download the Graphic and page setup files. You will need a zip program such as winzip to unzip the graphics. If you don't already have it, you can get a free trial version here.
My graphics MAY NOT be used in any collection or archive. They MAY NOT be redistributed for financial gain or used on any CD.
My graphics MAY NOT be used for building websites for financial gain, either from the site itself or from the web developing service. The use of Graphic Illusions graphics for financial gain is strictly forbidden and against my copyright.
If you wish to use any of my graphics for a commercial site, please send me an Email for a price list.
You MAY NOT alter, change or modify my graphics in any way. You may add text to the blank buttons if necessary.
DO NOT use any of my graphics on any site promoting Porn, Hate, Bigotry, or Racism.
Last but not least: If you use any of my graphics, please Email me with the URL to the page(s) you used them on. I would like to check out the page(s) and see how you used my Graphics. I will put a link to your website on my Users page so others can see them.

If you have any questions or comments please let me know.

Now take me to the GRAPHICS.
This site, content, all images and photographs, herein Copyright© 2001 by GRAPHIC ILLUSIONS.
Copying or distribution  by any means is strictly prohibited.
Web Site Designed and Maintained by Art C.